Type-safe Equal
Type-safe Equal
Unfortunately, Scala's equality check is not type-safe just like Java's.
The following code can never return true
as the types of "a"
and 1
do not match.
Yet there is no compile-time error. Instead it compiles and returns false
in runtime.
"a" == 1
// res0: Boolean = false
There are a few ways to solve this issue.
Extension methods
First one is simply using extension methods.
Create a simple implicit class
extending AnyVal
for extension methods
like the following one.
object CommonPredef {
implicit final class AnyEquals[A](val self: A) extends AnyVal {
def ===(other: A): Boolean = self == other
def !==(other: A): Boolean = self != other
Then import to use it.
import CommonPredef._
1 === 1
// res2: Boolean = true
1 !== 1
// res3: Boolean = false
1 === 2
// res4: Boolean = false
1 !== 2
// res5: Boolean = true
import CommonPredef._
// As you can see, this one has a compile-time error
"a" === 1
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Int(1)
// required: String
// "a" === 1
// ^
"a" !== 1
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Int(1)
// required: String
// "a" !== 1
// ^
Use Cats' Eq
import cats.syntax.eq._
1 === 1
// res9: Boolean = true
1 === 2
// res10: Boolean = false
1 =!= 1
// res11: Boolean = false
1 =!= 2
// res12: Boolean = true
"a" === 1
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Int(1)
// required: String
// "a" === 1
// ^
"a" =!= 1
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Int(1)
// required: String
// "a" === 1
// ^
For case class
, if you want to use equality check from the case class, use Eq.fromUniversalEquals
- Without
import cats.syntax.eq._
final case class Person(id: Long, name: String)
Person(1L, "Kevin") === Person(1L, "Kevin")
// error: value === is not a member of repl.Session.App2.Person
// Person(1L, "Kevin") === Person(1L, "Kevin")
// ^
// error: value === is not a member of MdocApp1.this.Person
// Person(1L, "Kevin") === Person(1L, "Kevin")
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- With
import cats.kernel.Eq
import cats.syntax.eq._
final case class Person(id: Long, name: String)
object Person {
implicit val eq: Eq[Person] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals
Person(1L, "Kevin") === Person(1L, "Kevin")
// res17: Boolean = true
Person(1L, "Kevin") =!= Person(1L, "Kevin")
// res18: Boolean = false
Use Scalaz's Equal
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
1 === 1
// res20: Boolean = true
1 === 2
// res21: Boolean = false
1 /== 1
// res22: Boolean = false
1 =/= 1
// res23: Boolean = false
1 /== 2
// res24: Boolean = true
1 =/= 2
// res25: Boolean = true
"a" === 1
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Int(1)
// required: String
// "a" === 1
// ^
"a" /== 1
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Int(1)
// required: String
// "a" /== 1
// ^
"a" =/= 1
// error: type mismatch;
// found : Int(1)
// required: String
// "a" =/= 1
// ^
For case class
, if you want to use equality check from the case class, use Equal.equalA
- Without
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
final case class Person(id: Long, name: String)
Person(1L, "Kevin") === Person(1L, "Kevin")
// error: value === is not a member of App6.this.Person
// Person(1L, "Kevin") === Person(1L, "Kevin")
// ^
- With
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
final case class Person(id: Long, name: String)
object Person {
implicit val equal: Equal[Person] = Equal.equalA
Person(1L, "Kevin") === Person(1L, "Kevin")
// res30: Boolean = true
Person(1L, "Kevin") /== Person(1L, "Kevin")
// res31: Boolean = false
Person(1L, "Kevin") =/= Person(1L, "Kevin")
// res32: Boolean = false